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80 handcrafted icons created by our team of designers. Available in up to 6 file formats. Check it out!
Get a free handcrafted Android Lollipop UI kit. 40 elements for Photoshop, Sketch, and UXPin.
Learn how to use the best prototyping process, fidelity, and tools. Get the most comprehensive ebook about UX prototyping on the web. 144 pages (9 chapters) of case studies, design analysis, and expert advice.
UXPin is a product design platform used by the best designers on the planet. Let your team easily design, collaborate, and present from low-fidelity wireframes to fully-interactive prototypes.
Start your free trialOur newest e-book contains 72 pages of UI design knowledge. Learn about the different types of mockups, their advantages and disadvantages, and when to use them.
An interaction designer tells a tale of the dangers of terrible UX, and explains steps you can take to prevent it.
In Part 1, we described how we started sketching and wireframing based off the qualitative insights and quantitative insights from our user testing on Yelp’s website. Now, we’ll look at low fidelity prototyping, high fidelity prototyping, and the final new design.
In our previous posts, we described the qualitative insights and quantitative insights from our user testing on Yelp’s website. Now that the results and analysis were done, it was time to put pen to paper and our cursors to the screen to get designing. We’ll show side by side comparisons of the current Yelp design