Creating one continuous design and development workflow.
UXPin + JIRA: One continuous workflow for designers and developers

Creating one continuous design and development workflow.
This week we’ve released improvements for Design Systems, our Dashboard, and a new version of Sketch plugin 4.6. Details below. Design Systems Redesign of the “Colors” tab in Design System. [Fixed] History not handling undo action while editing the symbol. Sketch (Plugin 4.6) Important: Plugin update mechanism is handled by Sketch. NEW: View, use, and
(…)UXPin changelog is our weekly series on all changes, improvements, and fixes we released the past week. If you’re interested in what we launched in August, check Changelog #6 and Changelog #7. Design Systems Adding multiple elements to the Design System Library automatically creates a symbol out of them Ability to add the same text style
(…)UXPin is a product design platform used by the best designers on the planet. Let your team easily design, collaborate, and present from low-fidelity wireframes to fully-interactive prototypes.
Start your free trialUXPin changelog is our weekly series on all changes, improvements, and fixes we released the past week. If you’re interested in what we launched in August, check Changelog #6 and Changelog #5. Design Systems Ability to change Design System name while creating it from scratch. Adding custom pages to Design System documentation. Top bar and left
(…)The changelog is our weekly post series on all changes and improvements, and fixes we released last week. If you’re interested in what we launched already in August, check last week update. Design Systems Librieries Reorder items in Design Systems and Design System Libraries with drag and drop. Additional ways of presenting colors and assets
(…)The changelog is our weekly post series on all changes and improvements and fixes we released last week. Design Systems Ability to edit Design System Libraries items from the Design Systems documentation: – add or remove a color or an asset or change its name – change the category name Ability to simulate interactions for
(…)Since our Design Systems launch, we have been working on a few major and many minor product improvements. Below you can see what our team achieved over the last six weeks. Design Systems Additional ways of presenting colors and assets in Design Systems All assets can now be downloaded at once Design System documentation is
(…)You’ve probably heard this before: “Good artists copy, great artists steal”. The quote is usually attributed to Picasso, but there’s no proof that Picasso ever said that, apart from Steve Jobs quoting him in one of the interviews. No matter who authored these words, they still describe an important cultural concept of remixing as part
(…)Wireframes are dead! Interactive prototypes are everything! We’ve heard these shouts for at least the past 7 years. If the popularity of these discussions proves anything, it’s that the opposite is true. The mere fact that we continue to discuss the alleged death of wireframing proves that wireframing is doing fine and continues to exist
(…)Especially in hi-fi prototypes where the nuance between “save” and “submit” is fuzzy at best, you should customize buttons to fit your meaning.
While UXPin won’t sort data on your behalf, you can create a “sortable” table, if you don’t mind rearranging a few elements.
Not all radio buttons are created equally. Some have custom looks and styles. Here’s one approach to creating your own radio buttons in UXPin.
Drop-down lists that appear on hover are a great way to hide options until they’re needed. A handy technique to make them work in UXPin: group ’em twice.
Although UXPin doesn’t export code, it has a customizable grid that’s analogous to those found in popular CSS frameworks. Here’s how it works.
UXPin has basic shapes like boxes, arrows, and circles — the basic elements. It also has whole sets you can use as starting points for your design systems.